Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Evaluation 1) In what ways your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In our film there were many inspirations from Se7en, this can be seen in some of our shots. Firstly we did it in a discrete title sequence, and similarly to Se7en, we put our titles on a black screen and the writing was white scratchy and had a flashy effect to it. It was not the same as Se7en but did have similarities. And we wanted the same feel that Se7en gave. A sort of psychotic and creepy feel to it. The discrete title sequence shows that there is something wrong with the character, no order, a bit messy, jumpy and theres something more to it. I think this represents his character and the state of his head. 

One feature in our film was the scribbling out of the face in Se7en, this was done in editing of scribbling out one bit then the rest of it had been scribbled out by the next shot. We thought this worked really well and made the film seem more creepy so we attempted to mimic it in our film. It fitted well as we wanted to give an impression of him murdering her family and friends - anyone that would get in the way of him getting her. So when he scribbled out the face it showed who he was going to kill. Representing he has some sort of mental health issue after his 'heart break'. 

The shot of the book on the side, we thought was an effective shot, as it was an extreme close up, and you could see the tiny detail in it. The background is also blacked out as with the shot the background was a blur, so it leaves mystery, as you can only see the side of it it leaves mystery as to what it is, and the significance to it. 

We thought then when there was writing in Se7en, it had a sort of obsessive feel to it. Which is what our film is about so we decided that could be one idea we could use, to have some repetition to show an obsession. 

Photos are often used in thrillers if there is a stalker or something, a few photos were used in Se7en to show the focus of their odd behaviour. So photo's were key in our film to express the obsession or 'addiction' he has with this girl. Also through the use of photos we were able to tell the audience that they used to be together, and then split up, so it is obvious that he wants her back.  It shows his obsession with her, representing that love has lead him to psychopathy. 

Other intertextuality we used in our film, which were inspired by thrillers, were the knife scene, as knifes are a common weapon used to show who the 'bad guy' is.  Also the dark room as that implies exclusion, loneliness and a sense of an outsider, which is usually the character of the films villain. 

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